Re:enable vs. allow


  • allowは誰かに可能にしてもらう。enableは自分の力で可能にする。
  • allowはフォーマル。権威の匂い。
  • allowもenableも受動態だ。能動態にして"Use this program to ..."のように書き換えるべし。


Which brings us back to the original question. I think that both "allow" and "enable" are functionally interchangeable, but there are definitely different connotations*1 associated with either word. As an end user, if I read the sentence "This procedure allows one to manipulate the data," I feel as if the application is a "black box" that I simply use to stick something in one end to get something out the other. It doesn't feel as if I am in *control* of the application, rather, the application is telling *me* what I can do, and when. Conversely, if I read "This procedure enables one to manipulate the data," then I feel as if I am in control of the application and lo! - look here, here's yet another procedure to help!

*1:暗示的意味, 含蓄