


JAX-RPCの紹介 第1回, 第2回


A SOAP Attachment Paper


1.2.5 WS-I Basic Standard This specification says 'use DIME'. No discussion, not explanation of the arguments, just 'use DIME', pure and simple. This means that basic JAX-RPC implementations are automatically outside the standard. ううむ。…

JBoss 4 DR2 Released with expanded AOP, JDO, JMS Features

新しいCMPリード Alex Loubyanskyのコメントが興味深い。やはり、CMPとJDOのベースになる(AOPベースの)永続エンジンを開発している模様。 In JBoss4, we are moving towards generic persistence engine on top of which will be EJB/CMP and JDO. Nathan Ph…

JBoss 4 Developer Release 2 Docs

DR2のドキュメントが公開されています。 JBossDO. JDO for transperent persistence for POJOs. First iteration from the hard work of Alex Loubyansky. JMS rewrite. First iteration from Nathan with help from Bela Ban and Adrian Brock. P2P serverl…