JBoss, Sun Approach Agreement On J2EE License


Sun is offering JBoss a stand-alone TCK contract that doesn't include the SCSL agreement, only the specification agreement, according to JBoss. The spec agreement, unlike the SCSL, allows for clean-room implementations of the J2EE spec, which is what JBoss provides with its applications server.

Under the terms of JBoss' J2EE license, JBoss also would do private testing of its application server for certification separate from the open-source community, the spokeswoman said.

SCSLとはSun Community Source Licensingのことです。詳しい事情はわかりませんが、SCSLはSunのライセンスなので、これをJBossのようなオープンソース製品に適用することは難しいということは想像に難くありません。