JBoss 4.0 DR2が来週出そうです。

Bill Burkeのアナウンスより。

DR2 release will have:
 - JBoss AOP XDoclet Integration.  JSR-175 in the present with JDK 
   1.4 and JBoss AOP.  From the hard work of Andy Godwin.
 - 1st iteration of JDO.  Thanks to Alex Loubyansky.
 - 1st iteration of JMS rewrite.  Not full-featured yet, but will 
   run JMS over multicast through JavaGroups.  In other words, no 
   app-server middleman for high performance and scalability.  
   Thanks to Nathan Phelps with help from Bela Ban, Tom Elrod, and 
   Adrian Brock.
 - Expanded pointcuts in AOP framework.  per-method, field, and 
   constructor chains.
 - Improved AOP framework performance.